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Bicycle Accident Attorney
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Bicycle Accident Attorney Riverside | The Law Offices of Edgar Lombera

Imagine a beautiful day, a clear road ahead, and you’re enjoying a peaceful ride on your bicycle when bam! – an unexpected accident turns your world upside down. Unfortunately, such incidents are not uncommon here in Riverside, and the physical, emotional, and financial implications can be overwhelming. But, you don’t have to fight this battle alone. At The Law Offices of Edgar Lombera, we empathize with the pain and stress that victims of bicycle accidents go through. More importantly, we have the expertise and determination to help you seek the justice you deserve.

How Do Bicycle Accidents Happen?

A bicycle accident refers to a collision or incident involving a bicycle and another vehicle, object, or hazardous road condition. These accidents can have significant consequences for the cyclist, often resulting in injuries that range from minor to severe, and in some cases, even fatalities.

Bicycle accidents can occur due to various causes, including negligent or reckless driving by motor vehicle operators, hazardous road conditions, or even the cyclist’s own actions. When a driver fails to exercise caution around cyclists or disregards traffic laws, they may collide with a bicycle, causing injuries to the cyclist. Similarly, poorly maintained roads, lack of proper signage, or debris on the road can also contribute to accidents.

The consequences of a bicycle accident can be devastating. Common injuries resulting from these accidents include scrapes, cuts, broken bones, spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, and even permanent disabilities or worse. The lack of protection offered by bicycles in high-speed collisions with larger motor vehicles makes cyclists particularly vulnerable to severe injuries. Even wearing a helmet cannot fully mitigate the impact of a collision or fall from a bicycle.

Understanding the causes and potential consequences of bicycle accidents is crucial for both cyclists and the general public. It highlights the need for increased awareness and caution when sharing the road with cyclists and emphasizes the importance of seeking legal assistance in the event of a bike accident. Filing a personal injury claim with either the negligent driver’s insurance company or one’s own insurance company may be necessary to seek compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages. However, it is essential to gather evidence and consult with a knowledgeable bicycle accident lawyer who can navigate the legal process and ensure that the accident victim receives the compensation they deserve.


What To Do After a Bicycle Accident

1. Call 911 and Seek Medical Help

The first and most critical step to take after a bicycle accident is to call for emergency help immediately. Even if you feel fine, injuries may not be immediately apparent, and it’s always better to err on the side of caution. When medical responders arrive, be cooperative and provide them with any necessary information. The police may also show up to the scene, so be sure to comply with them as well. Remember to prioritize your health and well-being.

2. Document the Accident Scene

After ensuring your safety, the next step is to document the bike and car accident scene. Take photos of the area, the vehicles involved, any damage to you, and any damage to your bike. Also, try to gather the names and phone numbers of any witnesses who saw the accident happen. This evidence may prove to be invaluable later on for insurance claims or legal disputes. However, it’s important not to accept responsibility for the accident, as this could harm your ability to file a claim in the future.

3. Gather Insurance Information

Once you’ve gathered as much scene documentation as possible, the next step is to obtain insurance information from the other party involved in the cycling accident. However, before exchanging information, make sure to check for injuries and seek medical attention if necessary. It’s also important to obtain a copy of the police report for your records. This information will be necessary if you wish to file a claim with your insurance company or pursue legal action.

4. Seek Legal Advice – Hire a Riverside Bicycle Accident Attorney

If you’ve been involved in a bicycle accident and are considering legal action, it’s essential to seek professional legal advice. Contacting a lawyer who specializes in personal injury law can help ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve. Personal injury attorneys can assist bicycle accident victims in navigating the complex legal process and dealing with any insurance companies involved. They can also advise you on what your rights are and what steps you should take moving forward. Call our office at 909-915-0181 or 760-835-9353 to schedule your free legal consultation.

Step 5: Request an Insurance Settlement Statement

Obtaining an insurance settlement statement is crucial after a bicycle accident. This document outlines your entitled compensation and serves as a basis for negotiation with the insurance company. Follow these steps to request a settlement statement:

  1. Contact your insurance company: Provide them with accident details, sticking to facts and avoiding fault implications.
  2. Gather evidence: Collect relevant documents, such as medical records, police reports, accident photos, and witness testimonies.
  3. Consult a personal injury lawyer: Seek legal advice before making statements to the insurance company. They’ll guide and protect your rights.
  4. Review the settlement statement: Carefully check for accuracy, noting any discrepancies or omissions.
  5. Seek legal advice if needed: Consult your lawyer if you have concerns or doubts about the settlement statement.

Requesting and reviewing the insurance settlement statement is essential for seeking fair compensation. It ensures a clear breakdown of damages and offered compensation of your Riverside bicycle accident case. By reviewing it carefully with your legal team, you can secure appropriate compensation for your injuries and losses.

Step 6: Seek Damages

After a bicycle accident, it’s crucial to seek compensation for Riverside bicycle accident injuries and property damage sustained. This can cover medical expenses, lost wages, property repairs, and other losses resulting from the bike accident. If the driver’s insurance denies your claim, filing a lawsuit is necessary to seek fair compensation. In a personal injury lawsuit, the goal is to compensate for losses caused by the defendant’s negligence. This includes economic damages like medical bills, lost wages, and non-economic damages such as pain and suffering. Proving negligence and causation is crucial when filing a lawsuit and winning your personal injury case. You have to prove that you suffered injuries and may continue to suffer injuries due to the negligent driver from the car accident. California follows comparative negligence, so if the plaintiff is partially responsible, their compensation is reduced based on fault percentage. Consult an experienced Riverside bicycle accident lawyer to guide you on pursuing compensation. Gather evidence like accident scene photos, witness information, and medical records. Act promptly if a governmental entity or worker is responsible, as shorter statutes of limitations may apply. The bike accident claim process varies, but generally involves seeking medical attention, evidence gathering, notifying parties, filing the lawsuit, and navigating the legal process. Seek compensation promptly, and be aware of specific regulations and statutes of limitations for bicycle accident cases.

Importance of Immediate Medical Attention and Legal Assistance

In cases of suspected injury following a bicycle accident, seeking immediate medical attention is crucial. Injuries may not always be immediately apparent, and prompt diagnosis and treatment are essential to prevent further complications. Medical records documenting the extent of the injuries can also serve as valuable evidence in legal claims for compensation.

Furthermore, pursuing legal assistance is necessary to obtain compensation for the injuries sustained. A skilled Riverside bicycle accident lawyer can guide individuals through the legal process, ensuring their rights are protected and helping them seek fair compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages resulting from the internal organ damage caused by the bicycle accident.

Types of Injuries From Bicycle Accidents:


A contusion, also known as a bruise, can result from bicycle accidents. It occurs when the body experiences a direct blow, damaging underlying blood vessels and tissues. Contusions vary in severity and can indicate more serious injuries.

Symptoms of contusion injuries may include:

  • Discoloration: Visible skin discoloration, ranging from red to purple or blue, caused by blood pooling in the injured area.
  • Swelling: Localized swelling due to the body’s inflammatory response.
  • Pain and tenderness: Discomfort and sensitivity, especially when pressure is applied.
  • Limited mobility: Restriction of movement depending on the location and severity of the contusion.

Contusions in bicycle accidents can be caused by:

  • Direct impact: Collisions with vehicles, objects, or the ground.
  • Falls: Landing on a hard surface after falling from the bike.

Contusion severity varies based on impact force and injury location. Superficial contusions may heal with rest, while deeper tissue damage may require medical intervention.

If you experience a contusion from a bicycle accident, seek medical attention. A healthcare professional can assess the injury, provide treatment, and rule out complications.

2. Fractures

Fractures are common injuries from bicycle accidents. The impact forces in collisions can break bones. Understanding the different fracture types is important for proper medical treatment and legal representation.

One type is a simple fracture, where the bone breaks but doesn’t pierce the skin. Casting or splinting may be needed for healing.

Another type is a compound fracture, where the bone breaks and pierces the skin. Immediate medical attention and surgery may be necessary.

Comminuted fractures involve multiple bone pieces and may require surgery and rehabilitation.

Stress fractures result from repetitive stress or overuse and can develop gradually. Prompt diagnosis and treatment are crucial.

3. Concussions

Concussions are another common injury that can result from bicycle accidents. When a cyclist collides, the impact can cause the brain to jostle inside the skull, leading to a concussion. Symptoms may include dizziness, headaches, nausea, blurred vision, confusion, memory loss, and difficulty concentrating.

Severe concussions can result in motor, cognitive, and emotional impairment. Diagnosis involves medical evaluation, physical and neurological examinations, imaging tests, and cognitive assessments. Treatment often involves rest, both physically and mentally. Recovery time varies depending on the severity of the injury.

Long-term effects may include persistent headaches, memory difficulties, sleep disturbances, and mood changes. Prompt medical attention, proper diagnosis, and treatment are crucial for managing concussions and promoting recovery.

4. Internal Bleeding

Internal bleeding is a serious and potentially life-threatening injury that can occur in a bicycle accident. It is caused by significant impacts, like collisions with vehicles or falls from the bicycle, which can rupture blood vessels and cause bleeding within the body. This internal bleeding may not be immediately apparent but can lead to severe complications if untreated.

Causes of internal bleeding in bicycle accidents can include direct trauma to the abdomen or chest, such as hitting the handlebars or being struck by a vehicle. The force of the impact can tear blood vessels and cause internal bleeding. Bicycle malfunctions or collisions with objects on the road can also result in injuries leading to internal bleeding.

Symptoms of internal bleeding may not be immediately noticeable but can include abdominal pain, tenderness, dizziness, fainting, excessive thirst, pale skin, and a rapid or weak pulse. Seek immediate medical attention if these symptoms occur after a bicycle accident as internal bleeding can cause complications like organ damage and shock.

Complications of internal bleeding can be severe. Untreated internal bleeding can lead to organ failure, infection, or death. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to stop the bleeding and repair damage.

If you suspect internal bleeding from a bicycle accident, seek medical attention immediately. Even without visible external injuries, internal bleeding can still be present and pose a serious threat. Prompt medical intervention can effectively diagnose and treat internal bleeding.

5. Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries from bicycle accidents can have devastating consequences. These injuries occur when the spinal cord is damaged, resulting in a loss of function and sensation below the injury. There are different types of spinal cord injuries caused by bicycle accidents, each with its own characteristics and potential consequences.

Spinal Contusion: A bruise or swelling of the spinal cord, resulting in temporary or permanent loss of sensation and motor function below the injury. The severity of symptoms depends on the extent and location of the contusion.

Spinal Compression Fracture: When spinal vertebrae collapse or become compressed, it can damage the spinal cord, causing loss of sensation and mobility. Severity depends on the extent and location of the compression.

Spinal Dislocation: Bones of the spine shift out of alignment, leading to compression or stretching of the spinal cord and partial or complete loss of function. Consequences range from temporary to permanent paralysis, depending on severity and location.

Spinal Cord Contusion: A bruise or injury to the spinal cord resulting in temporary or permanent loss of function. It can occur when the spinal cord is compressed or stretched during a bicycle accident. Severity and location determine the extent of function loss.

Spinal Cord Laceration: When the spinal cord is cut or torn, it causes immediate and severe loss of function below the injury. Consequences include paralysis, loss of sensation, and loss of bodily control.

Understanding these spinal cord injuries is crucial in bicycle accidents as they can have long-term effects. Victims may experience partial or complete paralysis, loss of sensation, and other impairments. These injuries significantly impact the quality of life for accident victims, requiring ongoing medical care, rehabilitation, and support. Awareness of these risks is important for cyclists and drivers alike.

6. Traumatic Brain Injuries

Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) can result from bicycle accidents and have varying degrees of severity and long-term effects. Common types of TBI from bicycle accidents include concussions, contusions, and diffuse axonal injuries. Concussions are the most common type and can cause symptoms like headaches, dizziness, confusion, and memory problems. Contusions are brain bruises that can lead to localized damage and symptoms like coordination and balance difficulties. Diffuse axonal injuries occur when the brain rapidly shifts inside the skull, damaging nerve fibers. This can cause long-term cognitive and motor impairments, as well as changes in behavior and mood. Bicycle accidents can cause these injuries due to the impact of the collision, which forces the brain to hit against the skull.

7. Scars

Bicycle accident scars can have significant physical and psychological impacts. They serve as visible reminders, affecting self-esteem and overall quality of life. Understanding the types of scars is crucial for addressing long-term effects and providing appropriate medical treatment and legal compensation.

Abrasions, also known as road rash or friction burns, are common scars from bicycle accidents. They occur when the skin rubs against rough surfaces like pavement or gravel. These scars range from minor scrapes to deep wounds and may require stitches or surgical intervention for healing and infection prevention.

Lacerations are deep, jagged cuts caused by sharp objects. They vary in size and severity, requiring sutures or surgical repair. Lacerations leave visible scars that can be raised, indented, or discolored. Complications like nerve damage or limited mobility can occur.

Road rash affects exposed areas when a cyclist slides along the road surface. It causes severe damage, deep abrasions, and tissue exposure. Road rash scars can be painful and prone to infection, ranging from mild discoloration to keloid scars that may require surgical or cosmetic procedures.

Keloid scars extend beyond the original wound and are raised and thickened. They are more common in individuals with a genetic predisposition and darker skin tones. Keloid scars develop from deep lacerations or severe road rash and may cause physical discomfort or limited range of motion. Treatment options include corticosteroid injections, silicone gel sheets, laser therapy, or surgical excision.

Hypertrophic scars are raised and thickened but do not extend beyond the original wound. They occur due to an overproduction of collagen. Hypertrophic scars can be red, raised, and itchy, fading over time. Treatment options include silicone gel sheets, corticosteroid injections, pressure therapy, or laser treatment.

8. Wrist Injuries

Wrist injuries are common in bicycle accidents and can significantly impact victims’ lives. The wrist’s vulnerability during a collision, combined with the force exerted, can cause various injuries. Understanding these injuries is crucial in recognizing their causes, symptoms, long-term effects, and treatments.

Fractures occur as a result of a direct impact or forceful landing on the wrist during a bicycle accident. Typical symptoms include severe pain, swelling, tenderness, deformity, and limited motion. Fractures can lead to difficulties in daily activities, decreased grip strength, and the potential development of arthritis. Treatment options include immobilization with a cast or splint, surgery for complex fractures, and physical therapy to aid in recovery.

Sprains occur when there is a sudden twisting or bending of the wrist, often resulting from a bicycle accident. Symptoms of a sprain include pain, swelling, bruising, limited motion, and instability. If left untreated, sprains can lead to chronic pain, weakness, and an increased risk of future sprains. Treatment for sprains typically involves rest, ice, compression, elevation (RICE), splinting, and physical therapy.

Tendonitis is a condition that occurs due to overuse or repetitive stress on the wrist while cycling. It is characterized by symptoms such as pain, swelling, tenderness, and difficulty gripping. If left untreated, tendonitis can lead to chronic pain, limited motion, and decreased wrist function. Treatment options for tendonitis include rest, activity modification, ice, anti-inflammatory medications, and physical therapy.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is caused by the compression or irritation of the median nerve in the wrist. Its symptoms include numbness, tingling, weakness, and hand and finger pain. If left untreated, it can lead to chronic pain, muscle wasting, and decreased hand function. Treatment options for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome include wrist splinting, activity modification, corticosteroid injections, and surgery.

Dislocations occur when a forceful impact or twisting motion happens during a bicycle accident. Symptoms of dislocations include severe pain, deformity, limited motion, and swelling. If left untreated, dislocations can lead to instability, recurrent dislocations, and chronic pain. Treatment options for dislocations include manual realignment, immobilization, physical therapy, and in severe cases, surgery may be necessary.

9. Knee Injuries

Knee injuries are a significant concern in bicycle accidents due to the vulnerable position of the knees and impact forces involved. These injuries can range from minor sprains to severe ligament tears or fractures, causing pain, limited mobility, and potential long-term effects. It’s crucial for bicycle accident victims with knee injuries to seek legal assistance from a Riverside bicycle accident attorney like The Law Offices of Edgar Lombera to ensure they receive proper compensation.

  • Sprains and Strains: Common knee injuries in bicycle accidents, sprains and strains occur when ligaments or muscles surrounding the knee joint are stretched or torn. Symptoms include pain, swelling, instability, and difficulty bearing weight. Recovery time varies depending on the severity, ranging from weeks to months.
  • Meniscus Tears: Sudden twisting or direct impact in a bicycle accident can cause a tear in the meniscus, a rubbery cartilage that cushions the knee joint. Symptoms include pain, swelling, stiffness, and a popping sensation. Treatment may involve rest, physical therapy, or surgical repair or removal in severe cases.
  • Patellar Fractures: The kneecap can fracture during a bicycle accident from a direct blow or fall onto the knee. Symptoms include severe pain, swelling, bruising, and difficulty straightening the knee. Treatment may involve immobilization, surgery to realign the fractured pieces, and rehabilitation.
  • Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injuries: Sudden change in direction or a direct blow to the knee in a bicycle accident can cause an ACL tear. Symptoms include a popping sound, severe pain, swelling, instability, and difficulty walking. Treatment often involves surgical reconstruction and rehabilitation.
  • Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) Injuries: A PCL tear can occur in a bicycle accident from a direct blow to the front of the knee or a fall onto a bent knee. Symptoms include pain, swelling, instability, and difficulty walking. Treatment may involve rest, physical therapy, or surgical reconstruction in severe cases.
  • Patellar Tendonitis: Repetitive stress on the patellar tendon, which connects the kneecap to the shinbone, can lead to inflammation and tendonitis. Symptoms include pain, tenderness, swelling, and difficulty with knee movements. Treatment typically involves rest, physical therapy, and anti-inflammatory medications.

Bicycle accidents can lead to knee injuries through various causes and effects. The impact forces involved can directly affect the knee joint, causing fractures, ligament tears, or tendon injuries. Sudden twists or changes in direction can strain the knee, leading to sprains, strains, or tears. The lack of protection provided by bicycles makes the knees particularly vulnerable to injury in any serious accidents.

10. Arm Injuries

Arm injuries are common in bicycle accidents due to the impact and force involved. They can vary in severity and have long-lasting effects. Specific arm injuries associated with bicycle accidents include fractures, dislocations, sprains, strains, soft tissue injuries, and nerve damage. These injuries occur when the arms absorb the impact of a collision with a vehicle or object, or during a fall from the bike. The bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, and nerves in the arms are subjected to extreme pressure and movement, resulting in various types of injuries.

11. Lacerations

Lacerations are common injuries from bicycle accidents. When a cyclist collides or falls, they may sustain cuts that penetrate the skin, ranging from minor scratches to deep wounds. Laceration severity varies, from superficial cuts treated with cleaning and bandaging to deep wounds needing stitches or surgery. Complications like excessive bleeding, nerve or tendon damage, infection, and scarring can occur. Prompt medical attention is crucial to assess, clean, and treat the wound, as well as monitor for any other damage.

12. Internal Organ Damage

Bike accidents can cause various injuries, including internal organ damage. It’s important to understand the potential internal organ injuries that can occur from these Riverside bicycle accidents. Internal organ damage can have serious consequences, such as internal bleeding, organ failure, or long-term health issues. Immediate medical attention is crucial for suspected internal organ damage, and legal assistance is necessary to pursue compensation for these injuries.

Types of Internal Organ Damage:


  • Punctures: A bicycle accident can result in a punctured lung (pneumothorax) when a broken rib or sharp object penetrates the lung, causing air to leak into the chest cavity.
  • Contusions: Impact from a bicycle accident can cause lung contusions, leading to impaired lung function and difficulty breathing.


  • Contusions: The liver, being a large and vulnerable organ, can sustain bruises during a bicycle accident, causing internal bleeding and potentially resulting in organ failure if untreated.


  • Lacerations: The spleen can be torn or lacerated in a bicycle accident, leading to internal bleeding and requiring surgical intervention to repair or remove the damaged spleen.


  • Contusions: The kidneys can be bruised during a bicycle accident, resulting in internal bleeding and potential kidney dysfunction or failure if not properly treated.


  • Contusions: The heart, responsible for pumping blood throughout the body, can sustain bruises in a bicycle accident, disrupting its normal function and potentially causing complications like arrhythmias or heart failure.

Potential Consequences and Complications:

Internal organ damage from bicycle accidents can have serious consequences, including:

  • Internal Bleeding: Damage to internal organs can cause internal bleeding, which can be life-threatening if not promptly treated. It can lead to low blood pressure, organ dysfunction, and even shock.
  • Organ Failure: Severe internal organ damage can result in organ failure when the affected organ can no longer perform its normal functions. Organ failure may require ongoing medical treatment, organ transplantation, or be fatal.
  • Long-term Health Issues: Internal organ damage sustained in bicycle accidents can lead to long-term health problems like chronic pain, impaired organ function, or the development of secondary conditions related to the initial injury. These issues can significantly impact the quality of life, necessitating ongoing medical care and treatment.

13. Bleeding

Bleeding is another injury that can happen, resulting from the impact and trauma sustained during such incidents. The severity of bleeding can vary depending on the nature and extent of the injury. In some cases, bleeding may be minor and easily manageable, while in more severe cases, it can be profuse and life-threatening. Bleeding can lead to complications and have long-lasting effects on physical and emotional health.

When a bicycle accident occurs, lacerations or cuts can cause bleeding. The severity of bleeding depends on factors such as the location, size, and underlying damage to blood vessels. While some bleeding may be relatively mild, arterial bleeding can be dangerous, indicating damage to major blood vessels and causing significant blood loss if not promptly addressed.

Excessive bleeding can lead to hypovolemia, resulting in decreased oxygen delivery to tissues and organs. Severe bleeding can also cause hypotension, compromising organ function. Moreover, bleeding can have a psychological impact, causing distress, fear, and anxiety.

Addressing bleeding promptly is crucial. Applying direct pressure to the wound, elevating the injured area, and using clean materials can help control bleeding. Seeking medical attention is essential, especially in cases of severe bleeding or if bleeding persists despite initial first aid measures. Medical professionals can assess the injury, provide appropriate treatment, and determine if further interventions are necessary.

14.Crush Injuries

Crush injuries are another concern in a bicycle crash, as the forceful impact between a cyclist and a vehicle or objects can cause severe body damage. These injuries occur when a body part is compressed or trapped between hard surfaces. The consequences can be devastating, leading to long-term disabilities and even fatalities.

Types of crush injuries from bicycle accidents include:

  • Bone fractures: Collisions can cause bones to break or shatter, requiring surgical intervention, immobilization, and rehabilitation.
  • Internal organ damage: Impact can crush or injure organs, leading to internal bleeding and other complications.
  • Soft tissue injuries: Compression can result in strains, tears, and bruising, causing pain and limited mobility.
  • Nerve damage: Crush injuries can affect nerves, leading to numbness, tingling, and weakness.
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBI): Accidents can also result in TBIs, ranging from mild concussions to severe brain damage, affecting cognitive and physical abilities.

The severity of crush injuries varies depending on accident circumstances. Factors like vehicle speed, impact angle, and safety gear usage influence injury extent.

Statistics show bicycle accidents often cause severe crush injuries. In the US, over 800 cyclists are killed annually in motor vehicle crashes, with many more suffering serious injuries. Crush injuries are among the most common and severe in these accidents.

For example, a study found that out of 349 cyclists involved in accidents, 41% suffered from crush injuries, with fractures being the most prevalent type.

15. Concussive Brain Injuries

Concussive brain injuries are common outcomes of bicycle accidents. When a cyclist collides, the impact can cause the brain to jostle inside the skull, resulting in a concussion. Symptoms can include dizziness, headaches, nausea, blurred vision, confusion, and memory loss. Some concussions resolve with time, while others can have lasting effects, leaving victims disabled and in need of care.

It’s important to recognize the severity of concussive brain injuries in bicycle accidents. Helmets can improve survival odds but may not protect against all head injuries. Long-term effects can be devastating, including cognitive impairments, memory problems, and emotional disturbances. Treatment, therapy, and support are often necessary.

For injuries caused by negligence, seeking legal help from Riverside bicycle accident lawyers is crucial. Experienced Riverside bicycle accident lawyers can establish liability, file any personal injury claims, and seek compensation for losses. This can provide financial support for medical expenses, rehabilitation, and necessary modifications. It can also address the emotional impact and loss of future earnings. Give us a call at 909-915-0181 or 760-835-9353 to schedule your FREE consultation and get the support you need. Our team is here to help you seek justice and get the compensation you deserve. Let us fight for your rights!

What are the Bicycle Laws in Riverside?

Understanding bicycle laws in Riverside and Riverside County is crucial for both cyclists and motorists to ensure safety on the roads. These laws outline regulations that cyclists must adhere to, including helmet requirements, traffic rules, and designated bike lanes. By following these laws, cyclists can reduce the risk of accidents and injuries. In this article, we will provide a detailed explanation of the key regulations that cyclists must follow in Riverside.

Bicycle Laws in Riverside:

  1. Helmet Requirement: Riders aged under 18 must wear a helmet while cycling. Wearing a properly fitted helmet is essential to protect the head in case of a fall or collision.
  2. Riding Direction and Position: Cyclists should ride in the same direction as traffic and keep to the right side of the road, except when overtaking, avoiding obstructions, or making a legal left turn. However, cyclists are legally allowed to “take the lane” in certain situations, which means that drivers must treat the bike as another vehicle on the road.
  3. Use of Protected Bike Lanes: Cyclists are allowed to move out of the protected bike lanes when necessary. This flexibility allows cyclists to navigate around obstacles or make turns safely.
  4. Observing Traffic Rules: Cyclists must obey the same rules as motorists regarding stop signs, traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, and other traffic regulations. This means stopping at red lights and stop signs, yielding to pedestrians, using proper hand signals when turning or changing lanes, and riding in the same direction as traffic.
  5. Driver Responsibilities: In the event of a traffic accident involving a cyclist, drivers are required to stop and not leave the scene. Leaving the accident scene is considered a hit-and-run, which is a serious offense.

Additional Safety Precautions and Recommendations:

  1. Follow Traffic Rules and Regulations: Bicyclists should always obey traffic laws, signals, and signs, just like motorists. This includes stopping at red lights and stop signs, yielding to pedestrians, using proper hand signals when turning or changing lanes, and riding in the same direction as traffic.
  2. Wear Appropriate Safety Gear: It is essential to wear a properly fitted bicycle helmet to protect the head in case of a fall or collision. Additionally, wearing brightly colored or reflective clothing improves visibility to motorists, especially during low-light conditions.
  3. Be Visible: Using front and rear lights on the bicycle, particularly during dawn, dusk, or nighttime rides, makes cyclists more visible to drivers. Wearing reflective gear and adding reflective tape to the bicycle and helmet further enhance visibility. Choosing routes with good lighting whenever possible is also recommended.
  4. Use Designated Bike Lanes and Paths: Whenever available, cyclists should utilize designated bike lanes and paths that separate them from motor vehicle traffic. These dedicated spaces offer increased safety and reduce the risk of collisions.
  5. Be Alert and Vigilant: Staying focused on the road and surroundings at all times is crucial. Avoid distractions such as using a phone or wearing headphones while riding. Scan for potential hazards, including parked cars, opening doors, pedestrians, and other vehicles.
  6. Be Predictable: Signaling intentions clearly and in advance alerts motorists and other cyclists. Using proper hand signals for turning, merging, or changing lanes is essential. Maintaining a consistent and predictable riding pattern helps others anticipate actions.
  7. Ride Defensively: Assuming that motorists may not see cyclists and being prepared to react to unexpected situations is important. Keeping a safe distance from parked cars to avoid getting “doored” and staying vigilant at intersections while yielding the right of way as required are essential defensive riding practices.
  8. Communicate with Motorists: Establishing eye contact with drivers whenever possible ensures they are aware of the cyclist’s presence. Signaling and communicating intentions clearly when changing lanes or making a turn is crucial for safe interactions with motorists.

What are the Consequences of a Bicycle Accident?

Bike accidents can have severe consequences, both physically and financially. The impact of a bicycle accident can result in various injuries, such as broken bones, torn ligaments or tendons, concussions, fractures, lacerations, and severe head injuries. These injuries can lead to physical pain, disability, and even permanent disabilities.

Additionally, the financial consequences of a bicycle accident can be significant, including medical expenses for surgeries, physical therapy, and treatment for injuries, as well as property damage to the bicycle. Furthermore, the victim may experience a loss of income due to time off from work to recover from their injuries.

Understanding these consequences is crucial, as it highlights the need for legal assistance in seeking compensation for all the losses incurred. A reliable Riverside bicycle accident lawyer can help in reviewing the case, gathering evidence, and filing a personal injury claim to ensure that the victim receives the compensation they deserve.

What Types of Compensation Can I Receive For a Bicycle Accident?

Compensation is crucial for individuals involved in a bicycle accident as it helps cover the financial losses incurred due to the accident. There are various types of compensation that can be sought in a bicycle accident claim.

First, economic damages include medical expenses, such as the costs of surgeries, ongoing treatments, and physical therapy, as well as property damage and lost wages due to compromised ability to work. These damages are quantifiable and can be supported by presenting medical bills and evidence of lost income.

Second, non-economic damages may be awarded for physical pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of quality of life. Punitive damages, designed to punish the offender, may also be sought in some cases. This is why it’s important to work with a Riverside bicycle accident attorney to maximize the value of the injury claim and navigate the legal process effectively.


What are My Legal Options After a Bicycle Accident in Riverside?

After being involved in a bicycle accident in Riverside, it is crucial for individuals to understand their legal rights and options. Taking the appropriate actions immediately after the accident and in the subsequent days and weeks can significantly impact their ability to seek compensation. Seeking immediate medical attention, collecting contact information from witnesses, taking photographs of the accident scene and injuries, preserving evidence, refraining from admitting fault, and contacting a bicycle accident attorney are all important steps to protect one’s legal rights. In California, individuals typically have two years from the date of the injury to take legal action for compensation, although this time limit can be as short as six months in certain cases. Contacting an experienced attorney as soon as possible increases the chances of recovering the deserved compensation. An attorney can assist in filing a claim against any party liable for the accident and help gather evidence to support the case. It is important to seek medical attention even if the injuries seem minor, as this can provide documentation of the harm caused by the accident. Overall, understanding and exercising one’s legal options after a bicycle accident in Riverside is crucial for ensuring the protection of one’s rights and the pursuit of proper compensation.

Statute of Limitations for Filing Bicycle Accidents Claims

The statute of limitations for filing bicycle accident claims varies depending on the circumstances of the accident and the parties involved. In general, if you are injured in a bicycle accident in California, you have two years from the date of your injury to take legal action seeking compensation from the parties who have a legal liability to you. However, it’s important to note that this time limit can be as short as six months in some cases. Failing to meet this deadline can result in the dismissal of your claim and the loss of your legal rights.

There are certain exceptions to the standard statute of limitations. If the bicycle accident victim is a minor at the time of the incident, a claim can be filed at any point until the minor’s 18th birthday. After the minor turns 18, the standard two-year statute of limitations applies. It’s important to be aware of this exception if you or your child is injured in a bicycle accident while still a minor.

Additionally, if the individual being sued dies, whether in the bicycle accident or otherwise, a lawsuit must be filed within one year of the incident. This is a crucial time limit to keep in mind if you intend to pursue legal action against someone who has passed away.

It’s worth noting that insurance companies often look for ways to deny claims or underpay cycling accident victims, so it’s important to seek the assistance of a knowledgeable bicycle accident attorney to ensure that your rights are protected and that you receive appropriate compensation and damages for your injuries.

The timeline for receiving compensation for your Riverside bicycle crash injuries can vary significantly depending on various factors. While there is no guarantee that you will recover money at all, successful claims can take anywhere from a few months to a year or more to reach a resolution. The timeline can be influenced by factors such as the amount of money in dispute, the number of parties involved in the case, any disputes over facts or legal issues, and even the personalities of the lawyers, insurance representatives, parties, and judge.

However, one factor that is within your control is the decision to speak with an experienced bicycle accident injury attorney about your claim. The sooner you contact a lawyer, the better your chances of achieving a favorable outcome as efficiently as possible. Seeking legal counsel early on can help you navigate the complexities of the legal process and maximize your chances of recovering the compensation you deserve.

In conclusion, it is crucial to be aware of the statute of limitations for filing bicycle accident claims in California. The standard time limit is two years from the date of the injury, but there are exceptions for minors and cases involving the death of the individual being sued. It is important to consult with an experienced bicycle accident attorney as soon as possible to ensure that you meet the necessary deadlines and protect your legal rights. The timeline for receiving compensation can vary depending on various factors, but seeking legal counsel early on can increase your chances of a favorable outcome. Remember to call our office at 909-915-0181 or 760-835-9353 to schedule your free legal consultation if you or a loved one have been in a bicycle accident.

Schedule Your Free Consultation Today – Riverside Bicycle Accident Lawyer

Call The Law Offices of Edgar Lombera at 909-915-0181 or 760-835-9353 to schedule your free consultation and case evaluation if you or a loved one have been injured in a bicycle accident in Riverside or throughout Southern California. Our experienced attorney will evaluate your personal injury case and determine the best legal options for pursuing compensation. We understand the complexities of these cases and can provide effective assistance to seek justice from responsible parties. Additionally, our law firm can also handle a wrongful death claim for victims of fatal bicycle accidents. Our attorney is committed to helping those who have been injured or lost a loved one in a bicycle accident due to the negligence of another party, and we can provide experienced representation on your behalf. Contact us today for personalized legal service and reliable guidance after a Riverside bicycle accident.


What Dangerous Roads in Riverside Should I Avoid?

It is crucial for bicycle riders in Riverside to be aware of the dangerous roads in the area in order to prioritize their safety. With a significant percentage of roads in Riverside county rated as “poor,” it is important to identify the specific hazards that cyclists should avoid. By understanding the risks associated with these roads and where accidents occur, cyclists can make informed decisions and take necessary precautions to prevent traffic accidents and possibly stop any catastrophic injuries!

Dangerous Roads in Riverside:

Van Buren Boulevard:

Van Buren Boulevard is notorious for its poor road conditions, including numerous potholes and alligator cracks. These road defects pose a significant risk to cyclists, as they can lead to accidents and injuries. Anyone riding bikes should exercise caution and consider alternative routes to avoid this road.

Arid Climate Roads:

Riverside’s arid climate can exacerbate the hazards on the roads. When it rains, the roads become slick, making it even more dangerous for cyclists. The combination of rain and poor road conditions can create slippery surfaces that increase the likelihood of accidents. Cyclists should be particularly cautious when riding on these roads during or after rainfall.

Congested Roadways:

Riverside’s congested roadways present a challenge for cyclists, increasing the risk of accidents involving multiple vehicles. The heavy traffic can make it difficult for drivers to notice cyclists and assign liability in the event of a collision. Cyclists should be vigilant and aware of their surroundings when navigating these congested roads to minimize the risk of accidents.

Vehicle Encroachment:

One common cause of bicycle accidents in Riverside is vehicles encroaching into bicycle lanes. Cyclists should be cautious when riding in designated bike lanes, as drivers may inadvertently or intentionally cross into these lanes, posing a significant danger to cyclists. It is important for cyclists to be alert and anticipate potential encroachments to avoid accidents.

Sidewalk Riding:

Riding on the sidewalk may seem like a safer option for cyclists, but it can also lead to accidents. Vehicles backing out of or turning into driveways may not expect cyclists on the sidewalk, increasing the risk of collisions. Cyclists should exercise caution and use designated bike lanes whenever possible to avoid conflicts with vehicles.

Intersection Accidents:

Intersections, especially those frequented by commercial trucks, can be particularly hazardous for cyclists. Vehicles turning at intersections may not see or anticipate the presence of cyclists, leading to sideswiping accidents. Cyclists should be cautious when approaching intersections and ensure they are visible to drivers to avoid collisions.

Riverside has several dangerous roads that cyclists should avoid due to poor road conditions, congested traffic, and specific hazards. Van Buren Boulevard stands out as one of the roads with significant potholes and alligator cracks. Additionally, Riverside’s arid climate can make roads slick during rainfall, increasing the risk for accidents. Cyclists should be cautious of vehicle encroachment in bike lanes, avoid riding on sidewalks to prevent collisions with vehicles, and exercise caution at intersections, especially those frequented by commercial trucks. By being aware of these hazardous roads and taking necessary precautions, cyclists can prioritize their safety and reduce the risk of accidents. It is essential for cyclists in Riverside to stay informed and make informed decisions when choosing their cycling routes.

What Should I Do If I Have Been In A Bicycle Accident In Riverside?

After being involved in a bicycle accident in Riverside, it is crucial to take immediate action to protect your rights and ensure proper compensation. Here is a step-by-step guide outlining the necessary actions to take:

  1. Seek immediate medical attention: Even if your injuries seem minor, it is important to seek medical attention to ensure there are no hidden injuries. Additionally, medical records can be valuable evidence in a legal claim.
  2. Collect contact information of witnesses: Gather the contact information of any witnesses to the accident. Their statements may provide valuable insights into how the accident occurred.
  3. Take photographs: Document the accident scene, the damage to your bike and equipment, and any visible injuries. These photographs can serve as crucial evidence in your case.
  4. Preserve all evidence: Preserve all evidence associated with the accident, including your bicycle, helmet, clothing, and personal belongings. Do not discard any broken bike pieces or other items, as they may serve as evidence.
  5. Refrain from admitting fault: When speaking to law enforcement or insurance agents, refrain from admitting fault. Provide an accurate account of the events without providing unnecessary information.
  6. Contact a bicycle accident attorney: It is important to consult with a bicycle accident attorney who can guide you through the legal process and help you maximize your compensation. They can assist in filing a claim against any party liable for the accident and ensure that your rights are protected.

In summary, if you have been involved in a bicycle accident in Riverside, it is crucial to take immediate action. Seek medical attention, collect contact information from witnesses, take photographs of the scene and damages, preserve all evidence, refrain from admitting fault, and contact a Riverside bicycle accident lawyer. These steps will help protect your rights, gather valuable evidence, and navigate the legal process to ensure proper compensation for your injuries and damages.

What Are The Most Common Bicycle Accident Injuries?

Riverside bicycle accident cases can result in a range of injuries, often caused by high-speed collisions with larger motor vehicles. These accidents can lead to broken bones, scrapes and cuts, spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, and even traffic fatalities. Although bicycle accident fatalities are not always considered, they do happen. According to research, over 50,000 bicyclists are injured on roads in the United States annually, with California leading the nation in bicycle accidents, having over 54,000 incidents resulting in emergency room visits and 166 cyclist fatalities each year.

The most common bicycle accident injuries include:

  1. Scrapes and cuts: When a cyclist falls or is thrown from their bike during a collision, they may sustain scrapes and cuts from contact with the road surface. These injuries can range from minor scratches to deep puncture wounds.
  2. Broken bones: The vulnerability of bones during a bicycle accident makes them susceptible to fractures. Broken bones can require surgery, time off from work, and physical therapy for recovery.
  3. Spinal cord injuries: The impact of a collision can cause severe damage to the spinal cord, resulting in paralysis or loss of motor function. These injuries can lead to permanent disability or disfigurement.
  4. Traumatic brain injuries: Concussions and other traumatic brain injuries can occur when the brain is jostled inside the skull during a bicycle accident. These injuries can cause symptoms such as dizziness, headaches, nausea, confusion, and memory loss. Severe head injuries can even result in death or permanent disabilities.
  5. Nerve damage: The forceful impact of a collision can cause nerve damage, leading to pain, numbness, and loss of sensation in the affected area. Nerve damage can significantly impact a cyclist’s quality of life and ability to perform daily activities.

It is important to note that these injuries to bike riders can vary in severity depending on the nature and severity of the collision. In some cases, cyclists may also sustain additional injuries as they fall and scrape along the road surface or even get run over by a vehicle after falling.

Given the serious nature of bicycle accident injuries, it is crucial for victims to seek legal representation. Filing a personal injury claim with either the negligent drivers insurance company or one’s own insurance company is possible, but having a riverside bicycle accident lawyer can greatly assist in gathering evidence and building a strong bicycle accident case, especially if it needs to go to court. Hiring the right personal injury attorneys can provide the necessary support and guidance to help victims receive compensation for their losses, including medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

What Are The Risks of Not Wearing A Helmet While Riding A Bicycle?

Wearing a helmet while riding a bicycle is of utmost importance for the safety of cyclists. It provides a crucial layer of protection against potential injuries in the event of an accident. Not wearing a helmet significantly increases the risks faced by cyclists, leaving them vulnerable to severe and potentially life-altering injuries. This section will outline the various risks associated with not wearing a helmet, supported by statistics, examples, and expert opinions.

Risks of not wearing a helmet:

  1. Traumatic brain injuries (TBI): One of the most significant risks of not wearing a helmet while cycling is the potential for traumatic brain injuries. Even though a helmet can improve the odds of surviving such injuries, there is still a chance of sustaining a TBI. These injuries can range from minor to severe, leaving cyclists with long-term cognitive, motor, and emotional impairments. Some TBIs may even result in permanent disability and the need for ongoing care.
  2. Facial fractures: Helmets also offer protection against serious facial fractures. However, in the absence of a helmet, cyclists are at risk of sustaining broken teeth, fractured cheekbones or jaw, and damage to the nose and eyes. While some of these injuries can be treated superficially, others may require multiple surgeries, leading to physical and emotional trauma for the cyclist.
  3. Bone and spinal cord injuries: Not wearing a helmet exposes cyclists to the risk of broken bones, particularly in the arms or legs, which can be painful and debilitating. However, the more severe concern is spinal cord injuries, which can have long-lasting effects on a cyclist’s quality of life. Some spinal cord injuries may result in paralysis, while others may improve with therapy. Nonetheless, these injuries can have a significant impact on a cyclist’s mobility and overall well-being.
  4. Increased vulnerability in traffic collisions: Cyclists are already at a disadvantage when it comes to sharing the road with motor vehicles. Not wearing a helmet further increases their vulnerability in the event of a traffic collision. Unlike motor vehicle drivers and passengers who have the protection of a car frame, seat belts, and airbags, cyclists rely solely on their helmets for head protection. While helmets can reduce the risk of head injuries, they cannot entirely prevent them. Therefore, not wearing a helmet puts cyclists at a heightened risk of suffering potentially life-threatening head injuries in a collision.


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